We All Value Excellence

We All Value Excellence

About Us

WAVE Youth Leadership

Have you ever had a dream come true?

Maybe it was a desire to marry or have children; maybe it was to launch a successful business. Maybe your dream was to write a book or take a trip to a distant country. Maybe your dream was big, maybe it was small, but regardless, you had a dream—and you got to see it come true.

How would you describe that feeling?

How would you explain it to someone else who perhaps hadn’t experienced that same blessing?

I ask, because today, one of my biggest dreams comes true. Today we launch a movement that will impact countless lives all over the world and change the futures of generations to come. Today we unveil a website that invites you to be part of something bigger than yourself. We’ve been working on this for months now and the dream has come true today.

We would like for you to join us on the journey to impact the lives of young people all over the world and maybe right in your local community by becoming a WAVE Ambassador. We would like you to join us on one of the Masterclass sessions to learn more about how you can catch the wave and become a WAVE Ambassador. 

Our programs are available in both English and Spanish

Youth engagement and involvement is at the heart of what we do at WAVE Youth Leadership.

About Us:

  • Vision (WHY)

    We exist to help school districts accelerate the academic achievement of all students, particularly the low performing and underperforming students and to improve students’ values, ethics, and character-driven leadership. 

  • Mission (HOW)

    We provide interactive and engaging student development programs to ensure students develop the skills, knowledge, and attitudes needed for effective communication, leadership, and positive social change.  

  • Core Values (WHAT)

    1. Express Care: Show me that I matter to you

    2. Challenge Growth: Push me to keep getting better

    3. Provide Support: Help me complete tasks and complete goals

    4. Share Power: Treat me with respect and give me a say

    5. Expand Possibilities: Connect me with people and places that broaden my horizon

About The Founders

Dr. Nicole Rankine


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Dr. Nicole Rankine

Cedrick LaFleur






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Johanna Rincon

Contributing Partner

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Dr. Nicole Rankine
Emotional Intelligence Journal MS/HS Edition
Emotional Intelligence Journal 3rd - 5th Grade Edition

Find out what are your character strengths

Do you need help exploring and developing your strengths?

Take our Youth Character Strength Assessment by registering and completing the survey. It's NO CHARGE. 

The Values in Action (VIA) Youth Survey is one of the leading assessments to highlight an individual's character strengths (Peterson & Seligman, 2004). This survey measures 24 character strengths which fall under six overarching categories, namely wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, or transcendence.

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